On June 5th the United Nation’s (UN) World Environment Day took place, which aims to put an annual spotlight on pressing environmental challenges. This year the theme was plastic pollution, and the Zambia programme played its part through activities undertaken by NMSI’s Environmental Engineer.
Toolbox talks were delivered to workers on-site at Mwansabombwe, Kitwe and Ndola District Hospitals, raising awareness of the problems of plastic pollution and introducing solutions. Other sessions to raise awareness also took place off-site with local communities.
NMSI’s Environmental Engineer visited a local orphanage neighbouring Mwansabombwe District Hospital to introduce the children and staff to World Environment Day and discuss what they could do to help reduce plastic pollution in their community.
Members of the on-site workforce also made footballs out of plastic waste to donate to the orphanage. A similar engagement also took place at Intulo Primary Schoolby Ndola District Hospital. The on-site workers made small bins out of plastic waste.